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  2. You can draw, outline, or scribble on your meme using the panel just above the meme preview image. You can create 'meme chains' of multiple images stacked vertically by adding new images with the 'below current image' setting. Can I use the generator for more than just memes? The Meme Generator is a flexible tool for many purposes.
Passenger Pigeon
Friend Data
Voiced by:
Shiraishi Ryōko 白石涼子
Attack Type:
ID #:

Some great pigeons - World's largest collection of cat memes and other animals. I ran into this issue today, I've been playing the game daily for the past several years and never before it happened constantly like that, before it only happened rarely once in a blue moon. Almost every few minutes I get kicked from the game with the message 'You have been kicked By Nexon game security for suspicious game or client behavior'. Naturally, memes have been developed to point out these moments in SPN history, or to use SPN moments to create other funny memes. The options are limitless, giving no restriction in meme creations. That said, here are 10 hilarious Supernatural memes only fans would understand. Korean gaming company Nexon has confirmed that up to 13 million users' names, user names, encrypted resident registration numbers and passwords may have been accessed in a security breach.

Nexon Game Security Is This A Pigeon Memes

Passenger Pigeon​Season 2​Pavilion​Nexon GameStage Play

Nexon Game Security Is This A Pigeon Meme Funny

Passenger Pigeon appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game.

  • 1Personality
  • 3Relationships

She likes traveling, and treasures the experience in her heart which she dubs 'Heart Album'. She hopes she could at least go once more to every place she has visited before. She sometimes mixes English with Japanese.


Attention please! Order Columbiformes, family Columbidae, I'm a migratory bird, my name is Passenger Pigeon. I have confidence in my endurance and I could fly continuously for days without taking a rest. The lake scenery that I saw during that few days flight... ...Even now, I still treasure it in my Heart Album..

She appears in the 6th chapter, explaining about the Sky Race to the protagonist's group.

Japanese Cormorant

She often uses Japanese Cormorant's service.

Crested Ibis

At one time she explained the situation of places written on a map which belongs to Crested Ibis. In the end, making Crested Ibis want to go traveling. The map is missing some of it's parts and she can't explain the details to Crested Ibis, but she remarks that this is better because knowing too much about your destination will ruin the fun of it. Although, she agrees with Crested Ibis when she tells her that they can never let their guard down when traveling to unknown places.

Friend Stats
Maximum HP: 3,832Maximum ATK: 5,199
Movement: 93Attack Speed: 25
Knockback: 36Anti-Knockback: 35
Reach: 20Damage Per Second (Single Target): 1,299
Skill Charge Speed: 2.86Maximum Targets: 1
Advantageous Terrain: Disadvantageous Terrain:
Introductionどうも、リョコウバトです。またいろんな景色を見られるなんて、夢みたい。よろしくお願いしますねGood day, I'm Passenger Pigeon. For me could see various scenery again, it's just like a dream. Please take care of me
Battle Cry戦います!I will fight!
Skillアテンションプリーズ!Attention please!
Victoryどうにかなりましたね。じゃ、次の景色を見に行きましょうSomehow it turn out in our favor. Well, let's go see the next scenery
Level Upもっと体力ついちゃいましたI acquired more physical strength
Wild Release新たな力で新たな景色を見に行けることがとても楽しみですCould go seeing new scenery using new power is really enjoyable
Line 1ごきげんよう!本日はお日柄もよく、旅日和ですねっGreetings! Today is a good day to travel isn't it?
Line 2体力には自信があります!3日間、飛びつづけるのもわけないですよっ!I have confidence in my stamina! I can easily fly 3 days non-stop
Line 3空のことなら私に任せて下さい!でも、雪原はダメです……縮こまっちゃいますIf it's about the sky, leave it to me! But, I'm not good at the snowfield... ... It makes me curl up against the cold
Line 4もうー度、色々なところに行けるなんて、とってもうれしいです♪I'm really happy that I could go to various places once again♪
Line 5心のアルバムをめくる度、私の心が色づいて……わっ!?いい今の聞いてました!?Every time I flip the heart album, my heart is painted with colors... ... Wah!? You heard that!?
Line 6毎日欠かさず、羽の手入れは欠かしません!いつでも飛べるようにっEvery day I never neglect to tend my feather! So that I can always fly
Line 7あなたと過ごした日々は私にとって宝物です。さあ、今度は二人だけで旅に出かけましょう!The days I spent with you is my joy. Next time let's go on a journey, only you and me!

Kemono Friends (2015 Mobile Game)
Major Characters
Cerval • Mirai • Serval • Towa • Cellien Queen • Star Beasts • Silver Fox • Caracal • Crested Ibis • Lulu • White Rhinoceros • Arai-san • Fennec Fox
Minor Characters
Rabi-Rabi • Black Rhinoceros • Margay • Oinari-sama
Apron Lovers' Club • Carefree Floaters' Club • Clan of the Kings of a Hundred Beasts • Kemo Courageous Spears Chivalric Order • Nyan Nyan Family • Powerful Girls Alliance • Team I'll Bite You • Water Girls • Wolf Federation
Japari Park • Kyōshū Region • An'in Region • Sankai Region • Nakabe Region • Hokkai Region • Hōtoku Region • Gokoku Region • Riukiu Region • Park Central • Kemono Castle
Story Quests • Event Quests • Group Quests • Character Quests
The Four Gods • Friends • Celliens • Japari Bus • Group • Sandstar • Sparkle
Lists and Documentation
Celliens • Costumes • Events • Gameplay Mechanics • Items and Equipment • Music • Unused Content • Update History
Aardwolf • African Bush Elephant • African Forest Elephant • African Golden Wolf • African Wild Dog • Alpine Ibex • American Bison • Arabian Oryx • Arctic Fox • Arctic Hare • Arctic Wolf • Arizonan Jaguar • Asian Golden Cat • Asian Small-Clawed Otter • Aurochs • Aye-Aye • Baikal Seal • Banteng • Barbary Lion • Bat-Eared Fox • Bearded Seal • Bengal Tiger • Bergman's Bear • Binturong • Black-Backed Jackal • Black-Tailed Prairie Dog • Blackbuck • Black Jaguar • Black Leopard • Black Rhinoceros • Blue Whale • Bobcat • Bornean Orangutan • Brazilian Porcupine • Brown Bear • Brown Greater Galago • Brown Long-Eared Bat • Buru Babirusa • California Sea Lion • Cape Lion • Capybara • Caracal • Cheetah • Chinese White Dolphin • Chipmunk • Clouded Leopard • Collared Peccary • Common Bottlenose Dolphin • Common Brushtail Possum • Common Chimpanzee • Common Eland • Common Ringtail Possum • Common Vampire Bat • Common Wombat • Cougar • Coyote • Coypu • Crested Porcupine • Culpeo • Dhole • Dingo • Dire Wolf • Domestic Cat • Donkey • Dromedary • Dugong • Eastern Wolf • Eurasian Beaver • Eurasian Lynx • Eurasian Otter • European Hare • Ezo Brown Bear • Ezo Red Fox • Fennec Fox • Flat-Headed Cat • Fossa • Fraternal Myotis
Gaur • Geoffroy's Cat • Giant Anteater • Giant Armadillo • Giant Forest Hog • Giant Panda • Giant Pangolin • Golden Jackal • Golden Lion Tamarin • Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey • Golden Tiger • Gray Fox • Gray Wolf • Greater Bilby • Greater Glider • Grizzly Bear • Grévy's Zebra • Guanaco • Guernsey Cattle • Harp Seal • Hilgendorf's Tube-Nosed Bat • Hipparion • Hippopotamus • Hippopotamus Gorgops • Hokkaido Wolf • Holstein Friesian Cattle • Honduran White Bat • Honey Badger • Hooded Seal • Huacaya Alpaca • Hyracotherium • Impala • Indian Elephant • Indian Rhinoceros • Indian Wolf • Indri • Iriomote Cat • Italian Wolf • Jaguar • Jaguarundi • Japanese Badger • Japanese Black Bear • Japanese Boar • Japanese Marten • Japanese River Otter • Japanese Squirrel • Japanese Wolf • Jersey Cattle • Jungle Cat • King Cheetah • Koala • Kodiak Bear • Kyūshū Flying Squirrel • Leopard • Linnaeus's Two-Toed Sloth • Lion • Long-Tailed Chinchilla
• Malayan Tapir • Maltese Tiger • Mandrill • Maned Wolf • Marbled Cat • Margay • Markhor • Masai Lion • Masked Palm Civet • Mediterranean Monk Seal • Medium Tree Finch • Meerkat • Mexican Wolf • Mongolian Wolf • Moose • Mountain Goat • Mountain Hare • Mountain Tapir • Mule Deer • Muskox • Narwhal • Nilgai • North American Beaver • Northern Fur Seal • Northern Sea Otter • Numbat • Ocelot • Okapi • Pademelon • Pale Fox • Pink Fairy Armadillo • Plains Zebra • Platypus • Polar Bear • Pronghorn • Przewalski's Horse • Père David's Deer • Quagga • Raccoon • Raccoon Dog • Red Kangaroo • Red Panda • Reindeer • Reticulated Giraffe • Rhim Gazelle • Ring-Tailed Lemur • Ringed Seal • Roe Deer • Rothschild's Giraffe • Ryukyu Boar
Sable • Sable Antelope • Saiga Antelope • Sand Cat • Scaly-Tailed Possum • Schomburgk's Deer • Serval • Sheep • Short-Beaked Common Dolphin • Siberian Tiger • Sika Deer • Silky Anteater • Silver Fox • Sivatherium • Smilodon • Snow Leopard • Snow Sheep • South African Giraffe • South China Tiger • Southern Pudú • Southern Sea Otter • Southern Tamandua • Spectacled Bear • Spectacled Hare-Wallaby • Spotted Hyena • Springbok • Squirrel Glider • Steller's Sea Cow • Steller Sea Lion • Stoat • Striped Skunk • Sulawesi Bear Cuscus • Sumatran Rhinoceros • Sun Bear • Suri Alpaca • Takin • Tarpan • Tasmanian Devil • Thomson's Gazelle • Thylacine • Tibetan Antelope • Tibetan Sand Fox • Topi • Transvaal Lion • Tundra Wolf • Venezuelan Red Howler • Vicuña • Walrus • Water Deer • Western Lowland Gorilla • Western Spotted Skunk • White-Eared Opossum • White Lion • White Rhinoceros • White Tiger • Wild Bactrian Camel • Woolly Mammoth • Yezo Sika Deer
Acorn Woodpecker • Arctic Tern • Atlantic Puffin • Bald Eagle • Barn Owl • Black Swan • Campo Flicker • Chukar Partridge • Common Cuckoo • Common Ostrich • Crested Ibis • Dodo • Eastern Spot-Billed Duck • Egyptian Goose • Emperor Penguin • Emu • Eurasian Eagle-Owl • Forest Owlet • Gastornis • Gentoo Penguin • Goldcrest • Golden Eagle • Greater Bird-Of-Paradise • Greater Flamingo • Greater Honeyguide • Greater Rhea • Greater Roadrunner • Green Pheasant • Guadalupe Caracara • Harpy Eagle • Humboldt Penguin • Indian Peafowl • Japanese Bush Warbler • Japanese Cormorant • Jungle Crow • King Vulture • Kyushu Owl • Martial Eagle • Marvellous Spatuletail • Northern Goshawk • Northern White-Faced Owl • North Island Giant Moa • Okinawa Rail • Oriental Stork • Passenger Pigeon • Peregrine Falcon • Pink-Backed Pelican • Red-Crowned Crane • Red Junglefowl • Resplendent Quetzal • Rock Dove • Rock Ptarmigan • Ross's Gull • Scarlet Ibis • Secretarybird • Shoebill • Southern Brown Kiwi • Southern Cassowary • Southern Rockhopper Penguin • Spectacled Owl • Striated Caracara • Superb Lyrebird • Tundra Swan • White-Naped Crane • White Peafowl
African Rock Python • Alligator Snapping Turtle • Amazon Tree Boa • American Alligator • Black Mamba • Boomslang • Coastal Taipan • Emerald Tree Boa • European Ratsnake • Frilled Lizard • Galápagos Tortoise • Gharial • Indian Star Tortoise • King Cobra • Komodo Dragon • Leopard Tortoise • Okinawan Habu • Panther Chameleon • Red-Eared Slider • Red-Footed Tortoise • Saltwater Crocodile • Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko • Spectacled Caiman
Axolotl • Hellbender • Japanese Giant Salamander • Northern Dwarf Siren
Byakko • Cerval • Danzaburou-Danuki • Genbu • Inugami Gyoubu • Jinmengyo • Kamaitachi (Chi) • Kamaitachi (Setsu) • Kamaitachi (Ten) • Nine-Tailed Fox • Oinari-sama • Peach Panther • Seiryu • Shisa Lefty • Shisa Right • Skyfish • Suzaku • Tsuchinoko • Yamata No Orochi • Yatagarasu
Dororo • Giroro • HAW-206 • Keroro • Kururu • Logikoma • Tachikoma Type-A • Tachikoma Type-B • Tachikoma Type-C • Tamama • Uchikoma

Nexon Game Security Is This A Pigeon Meme Id

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