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We found for you 15 pictures from the collection of Nicobar Pigeon! Use these images to quickly print coloring pages. And you can freely use images for your personal blog!
The picture was tagged: Nicobar Pigeon, Pigeon, Bird, Nicobar, Feather, Animal. The largest size is 5472×3648 pixels, you can download it with JPG format.
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Statue, Bronze, Pigeon
Nicobar Pigeon, Pigeon, Bird, Nest, Exotic, Wildlife
Bird, Dove Of Peace, Dove, Peace, White, Symbol, Pigeon
Animals, Birds, Nature, Seagulls, Doves, Pigeons, Wall
Pigeon, Dove, Bird, Wings, Fly, Freedom, Flight
Pigeon, Dove, Bird, Symbol, Urban, Animal, Portrait
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Harp, Forest, Fairy, Pigeon
Bird, Nature, Feather, Wildlife, Flight, Pigeon, Fly
Fantasy, Tortoise, Pigeon
Pigeons, City Pigeons, Paddling, Bächle, Freiburg
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Nicobar Pigeon Pet
- English: Nicobar Pigeon, Nicobar Dove
- العربية:حمام نيكوبار
- Kotava:Dirbeko
- български:Никобарски гълъб
- বাংলা:নিকোবর কবুতর
- brezhoneg:Koulm nikobar
- català:colom de les illes Nicobar, Colom de Nicobar
- Cebuano:Dondonay
- čeština:holub nikobarský
- Cymraeg:colomen Nicobar
- dansk:Nicobardue
- Deutsch:Kragentaube
- Esperanto:Nikobara kolombo
- español:Paloma de Nicobar
- eesti:lakktuvi
- فارسی:کبوتر نیکوبار
- suomi:hartiahuivikyyhky
- français:Nicobar à camail
- עברית:יונת ניקובר
- hrvatski:kudravi golub, Nikobarski golub
- magyar:sörényes galamb
- Bahasa Indonesia:Junai emas, Junai Mas
- italiano:Piccione delle Nicobare
- 日本語:ミノバト
- 한국어:니코바르비둘기
- lietuvių:nikobarinis karvelis
- മലയാളം:നിക്കോബാർ പ്രാവ്
- кырык мары:Аржан кӓдӹ
- Bahasa Melayu:Burung Punai Emas
- မြန်မာဘာသာ:နီကိုဘာခို
- norsk bokmål:Mankedue
- Nederlands:Manenduif
- norsk:Mankedue
- Diné bizaad:Hasbídí disxǫsígíí
- polski:nikobarczyk (zwyczajny)
- پنجابی:نکوبار کبوتر
- português:pomba-de-nicobar, Pombo-de-nicobar
- русский:Гривистый голубь
- slovenčina:veľkohrivec bradavičnatý
- српски / srpski:Никобарски голуб
- српски (ћирилица):Никобарски голуб
- srpski (latinica):Nikobarski golub
- svenska:nikobarduva
- ไทย:นกชาปีไหน
- українська:голуб гривастий
- اردو:نیکوبار کبوتر
- Tiếng Việt:Bồ câu Nicoba
- 中文:綠蓑鳩
- 中文(中国大陆):尼柯巴鸠
- 中文(简体):蓑鸠
- 中文(繁體):尼柯巴鳩
- Note: For IOC classification 2.11, this is currently the only extant (living) species in the genus Caloenas.
- IOC link: Caloenas nicobarica (Linnaeus, 1758)subcat
- IUCN: Caloenas nicobarica (Linnaeus, 1758) (old web site) (Near Threatened)
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This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category 'Caloenas nicobarica'
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category 'Caloenas nicobarica'
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- Caloenas nicobarica - Singapore (193813077).jpg640 × 505; 81 KB
- Nicobar Pigeon, An almost extinct bird.jpg1,920 × 1,346; 839 KB
- ิbehind the scence.jpg582 × 480; 218 KB