
  1. What Stupid Pigeon Game Show
  2. What A Stupid Pigeon Game
  3. What Stupid Pigeon Game Play

The developers of the What a stupid pigeon game, have a wicked sense of humor. The game is based on the concept of a human being trying to launch a pigeon in midair. In order to do this successfully, you have to control the human’s foot to launch the pigeon. The developers have added small objectives to keep the gameplay interesting. For example- One of your objectives is to kick the pigeon twenty feet in the air. Another objective is to make the pigeon hit one basic object on the ground. The game has thirty two levels. You have to achieve all your objectives to complete the level.

The game is fully controlled by your mouse. Using the mouse click on the foot. You can control the swing and the speed by using your mouse. The greater the power, the higher the pigeon flies. The game has a garage. At every level, you can select items from the garage to improve your game play. For example- In the second level, you can add a rocket to your pigeon to increase the distance.

This guide will help teachers lead their students through Pigeonetics. This game, with 26 pigeon-breeding puzzles of increasing complexity, helps students learn about mechanisms of inheritance, and it brings together often disconnected concepts from Mendelian inheritance and molecular genetics. Game description It's a simple target shooting game. You're not really hunting anything. If you consider this hunting, you would consider reading a menu to be eating.

Overall Verdict– The theme of the game is very simple. However, the overall gameplay is extremely tough to master.

See how to play this game online (do like to see the links).


What Stupid Pigeon Game Show


What A Stupid Pigeon Game

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What Stupid Pigeon Game Play